Thursday, April 06, 2006

Desks Deserve Better

It's unofficially D. D. B. day. Time to clean my desk! I would post a picture, but I'm sure you'd be shocked...

Currently on desk:

Various paper-copy chunks of last book
RWA chapter's goal bowl
Flowers from husband (in elegant Mason jar)
Crystal bowl with sparkles & clear rocks in it (My substitute water feature a la Feng Shui)
Laptop affectionately named Frankenstein
External mouse and keyboard (Yes, I have laptop issues...)
Reference books (Thesaurus, dictionary, grammar/style book, many others)
Pictures to be filed, Disks to be labeled, Letters to be filed
Assorted dust bunnies
Nearly empty can of air duster
Change (How did that get there?)
Hershey's kiss wrappers
A few never-seem-to-be-sharpened pencils that I always try to use
ACK! You get the idea..

So, about the "water feature"...
It's in the corner of my desk associated with career and it's supposed to attract success and money. I'm not sure if the fact that it's sort of fake makes a difference.. but things are looking up lately.

Do you believe in Feng Shui? What other principles have you used in organizing your desk?

And now, off to clean. Ick.


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