Friday, March 24, 2006

Golden Icing on the Cake!

So, I thought this week was already pretty rockin'. I had revision requests from a *great* agent, had an exciting idea for a new paranormal YA series, and then, today... the GH calls went out.

I really didn't think I would make it. I put it out of my mind and concentrated on teaching science for the day. Several viewings of Cells, Tissues, Organs and All About Balance & Motion later, I called home to check in with my hubby -- and got the message to call a "lady from RWA."

I called. She told me I double finaled in Young Adult. Double finaled! Can I say that again with feeling? OMG. Kinda freaked out! Had to celebrate with champagne and a Pepperidge Farm chocolate layer cake which was pretty good for store-bought, actually.

Yay. It's a good week.


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