He's My Boo
It's Wednesday -- puppy time:
My furry son is in deep love with a duck. Said duck no longer has any entrails of any kind -- just like the hedgehog who came before him. Sadly, Ducky is repeatedly subjected to Boone's romantic fantasies, which, thankfully will all end on October 14th with a little procedure we call "tutoring" around our house.
In writing news, I'm finally switching over to Courier font. (Big gasp!) Always a big fan of TNR, I'm getting sick of the conversion.. pages, words per page, etc. that has always caused controversy in our industry. So, I'm going with the old tried and true -- just as an experiment. It's super weird to see the ginormous lettering of courier on the screen. We'll see how it goes.
BTW, fascinating discussion of the writing "rules" over at Diana Peterfreund's blog (see link on the right) this week. Check it out.
My WIP is kicking along. Also, working on new YA proposal and a couple of adult chick lit ideas.
Meanwhile, as I hunch over my laptop...
In the valley here, the trees are brimming with new colors and the air has that crisp, leafy twang to it. I love that smell. The locals have finished canning (a friend of mine with a five month old baby confided to me last night that she had *only* canned 26 pints of green beans this year). I did freeze some blackberries I picked. That's about the extent of the foraging. Well, except for the gorgeous Johnagold apples on our trees at the front of our property. I'm wishing I had grown a pumpkin, though. I'm so craving some Thai curry-pumpkin soup. I'll be hitting the supermarket in the big town tomorrow, so I'll pick up a good ol' can of Libby's. Works for me. :)
Happy writing!
That is the cutest puppy picture!
He keeps waking us up at five in the morning, Diana. I'll send him right over. :)
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