Friday, September 02, 2005

The Aftermath

The suffering in the wake of Hurricane Katrina has touched everyone. You only have to turn on the television to experience (in tiny way) the utter devastation people in the South are living through.

My ex-military DH watched the news last night with tears in his eyes. I know were it not for obligations here at home, he'd be jumping the next truck to Louisiana. Gotta love an Alpha hero. We decided to visit the Red Cross site to donate.

The devastation puts things into sharp perspective. As writers, how do we write today while people in our rich country need the absolute basics -- food, water, clothes, shelter, medicine?

An author at the Emerald City Conference shortly after 9/11 said, "Now, more than ever, the world needs our stories. Writers take people away from their problems and transport them for a short time to another world. That is important work."

Well said.


At 12:00 PM, Blogger Trish Milburn said...

How true. I'm taking some books, clothing and toiletries to a writer who evacuated here from New Orleans. Every little bit helps.


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