Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bouncing Baby Boone

Whew! Tuesday morning and I get to sit down in front of my laptop and work on my new proposal and WIP.

So, question -- is it bad while I was checking my email this morning, Boone jumped on the couch and slurped up the rest of my carmel latte?

Yeah, that's what I thought. He should be bouncing around the house for the rest of the day. Great.

Wait! Just went to check on my breakfast and totally soaked my socks. Boone played fountain in his water bowl again. Java officially kicking in. Heather's writing morning officially in jeopardy. Must find chewies!

Officially entered the Golden Heart 2006 today. Hard decision. But I have made so many improvements to AMBER, especially in the full manuscript, I owe it to her to give her one more shot.

My YA paranormal, though I may finish it in time, will probably not be polished enough to enter. Unless I amaze myself and kick out the jams within the next few weeks, that is.

But, unfortunately, I'm in the second act "doldrums".

The beginning of act II is always fun for me. I'm fresh into the meat of the conflict there. But as I go deeper, I find myself having to push. Really hard. I know, having completed many manuscripts, that things will naturally fall into place in the third act. But the middle to end of the second is always a hard slog for me.

I'm a natural reviser -- I enjoy it immensely. Taking everything apart, cataloging it, and evaluating the structure of the scenes/plot -- I love it all. I set up a spreadsheet with all the scenes labeled and see where the holes are. Total revising geek.

Now, I just have to get to that part.

Writing goal today -- a balanced diet of 10 pages WIP, 5 pages fun proposal. Sort of like eating your spinach before you go for the brownie sundae. Willpower, woman. Willpower.


At 6:28 AM, Blogger Marley Gibson said...

Boone remains ever so adorable!!! And CONGRATS on sending in AMBER to the GH again. Good luck with it! I tossed an entry into the YA category myself.

Marley = )


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